SIS Portal

Monday, February 13, 2012

Travel Brochure project

For this project you will create a travel bochure using the critical reading skills: Author's purpose and Intended audience
An author's purpose can be classified in four ways:
An author's intended audience is who they think should be/will read thier material.

Your Task: Create a travel brochure to anywhere in the world and pursuade travelers to come to your selected vacation spot.
Some examples can be seen here and this as well

You will need:
Old magazines/newspapers
Glue/Glue stick
Construction paper
Computer paper
Crayons/markers/colored pencils

Also the following will need to be included:

 Essential tools

The project is due Friday and is worth 100 pts.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vocabulary Q3 Wk3

For this lesson students will need to not only do the normal vocabulary packet but they will need to record the pronunciation of the word its part of speech, and a sentence that uses the word correctly.
1. Recruit
2. Transfer
3. Matriculate
4. Relocate
5. Reimbursements
6. Expense
7. Colleague
8. Famine
9. Spite
10. Thwart
11. Attribute
12. Vanity
13. Lure
14. Meddle
15. Murmur

Friday, January 6, 2012

Vocabulary Quarter 3 Week 2

For this weeks vocabulary you may copy and paste the following words into a Google document and use the Nooks to find, type and answer submit your answers. If you choose not to use the Nooks, you may use the traditional method You can access Google Documents by clicking here The words for the week are:
1.     Hazardous
2.     Hypothetical
3.     Infraction
4.     Meticulous
5.     Notable
6.     Occupation
7.     Preclude
8.     Accrue
9.     Allocate
10.                         Bankrupt
11.                         Consumption
12.                         Obligate
13.                         Penalize
14.                         Transaction
15.                         Reparations